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Тази серия режещи и гравиращи машини са от най-висок клас. Предлагат се шест различни модела. Особено подходящи са за изработка на 3D модели, сложни детайли или табели. Удължената вертикална ос на шпиндела позволява перфектна обработка на обемни детайли и материали. Могат да се инсталират различни шпиндели - 2 kW 24.000 rpm или 1.1 kW-35.000 rpm., 1,8kW-35.000 rpm или 3,3 kW-35.000 rpm. Има система за аспирация, автоматично калибриране и електронни настройки.


It is a very good machine for 3D modeling (small and medium-sized moulds).

EPSILON 200/100

Perfect for large machining of plastics and metals, it is extremely versatile: including options like a suction top and automatic tool exchanger, to use up to 9 different tools on the same job with no operator intervention required.
The readily available solution.

EPSILON 200/300

It is a robust and powerful machine, designed specifically for the signage industry and the professional engraving.

EPSILON 200/400

It is a robust and powerful machine, designed specifically for the signage industry and the professional engraving.


Epsilon Green, especially dedicated to sign makers. Thanks to the robust structure and 4 kW HF electrospindle 24.000 rpm can easily handle a wide variety of materials including aluminum, composite aluminum, acrylic, PVC, wood, etc.


Epsilon Green, especially dedicated to sign makers. Thanks to the robust structure and 4 kW HF electrospindle 24.000 rpm can easily handle a wide variety of materials including aluminum, composite aluminum, acrylic, PVC, wood, etc.